Perhaps relatedly: one of my clients, for reasons unknown to
me, uses a very efficient brand of CSS, wherein they have a
separate CSS file for every browser. This in itself
wouldn't be inefficient, but every file reproduces a great
deal of content from the others. Obviously the more
efficient route would be to create a global stylesheet with
properties common to all browsers, then use browser-specific
stylesheets that include the global one.

So what I'd like to find is a tool that reduces all those
stylesheets to a canonical form, then compares them,
extracts the common elements, and pushes those off to a
global sheet.

Has something like this been written? Has at least the
canonicalization part been written? If I could canonicalize,
I could write a script to take it from there. I started
writing my own parser for the CSS grammar, but I assume this
wheel has already been invented.

The online CSS optimizer that you linked to doesn't explain
what it does -- it says to click on the About page, but
there is no such page. Does the online optimizer handle the
canonicalization that I'm looking for?

Stephen R. Laniel
+(617) 308-5571
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