> I figured out my problem with the help of some of you wonderful folks!
> my problems were:
> xhtml wasn't validated
> I didn't have the <[cdata[ ... ]] around my style element

Ummm....I don't think that's necessary, is it? I never use that an my 
documents validate just fine...?

I also had a misformed attribute in my body tag
> and it seems the netscape resize script that my editor added interfered 
> with
> the div for some reason

the resize fix is for Netscape version 4 as far as I know, so it probably 
isn't necessary

thank you all I am sure before I get this whole thing finished I will be 
> back

I think you can get your website up and running just fine without tables for 

The easiest way to do it is:

Start with ONE browser (FF or Mozilla, IMHO) and make the site work in that 
Make sure your markup validates (fix all validation errors as you test)
Start migrating your code to support additional browsers

If you try diving in to CSS by jumping in to "every browser in the world" 
compatibility, you're going to get lost fast and lose interest...then you're 
back to using tables because they are the "old standby".

This mailing list has a LOT of great CSS folks that are more than willing to 
help...just keep asking questions and searching the archives.

Also, check out other CSS websites to see how they implemented certain 
"cool" things...you'll learn a lot just from looking at source code.


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