While I have taken the plunge in to using CSS for style, I have yet to use
it for layout. I'm about to dive in headfirst and design my first site
without using tables to lay it out.

Here's a short list of the CSS books I have on my shelf-
Web Standards Solutions by Friends of Ed
& The CSS Anthology - 101 Essential Tips, Tricks & Hacks by Sitepoint.

I've been doing some reading and researching on what else I should read or
get my hands on and found the following:

HTML Utopia: Designing Without Tables using CSS by Sitepoint
(which got fairly average reviews on Amazon)
& Stylemaster CSS Editor from Westciv plus all their tutorials (reason being
my copy of Dreamweaver keeps crashing while I'm editing CSS documents for
some weird reason).

Does anyone have any experience with either of these or can you suggest
another book/site to learn about designing sites without tables?


(If you think it's appropriate, please reply offlist)


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