can someone point me to a page that is 1) true, 2) reliable, and recognizably authorative, and 3) that says what the default settings are for Internet Explorer browsers - as in View>Text Size>Largest, Larger, Medium, Smaller, Small?

I'm in a heated debate with a company for whom I do a lot of work, who insists that IE's View>Text Size setting defaults to Smaller. I believe it defaults to Medium.

However, I've found the following pages:

that indicate that if you have Eudora email, a glitch causes the default of the IE browser to set to Smaller.

Anyone have info about this? To keep it on-topic for CSS, it relates to using 100% and ems for web development (which I do, always, using 100.01% on the body, setting my wrapper to .625em [roughly 10px at defaults] and then sizing child selectors with em values). Apparently, this is too small for this person, yet for all other clients of mine, it makes IE and compliant browser text the same size and makes it easier for me to gauge size in pixel amounts, assuming defaults.

But this client is not all that up-to-date with best practices (doesn't understand the differences between html/xhtml, much less how css and font-sizing works). He thinks that because he's reinstalled IE on his company's computers (I think they all use Eudora) and they default to Smaller, that the default setting IS Smaller.

Help me out, please? Or if I'm wrong, I am happy to know it, but I don't think I am. A reputable page somewhere with the info would truly help.

TIA, Donna

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