I am almost done with a table-based > XHTML/CSS redesign of my parish web


My CSS validates, but there are tons of warnings.  I feel unsettled not
correcting them, sort of like getting marks off by a teacher, but I honestly
don't see the benefit of correcting many of them, and would like to ask the
experts what the balance of risks and benefits is.

First, many of them are that I specified a background color but no text
color, or the reverse.  My reluctance in correcting this is that some of my
present rules "work" with a foreground color in contexts of two different
background colors.  Or vice versa: different background colors all of which
work fine with a black text color.  To correct this will require the
addition of several additional lines of code that to this beginner, anyway,
seem unnecessary.

Second, there are several that say something like, "Redefinition of
padding-left : #navlist a", and I honestly don't know what they mean.

The CSS (at the moment) is here:

Are these things that could pose risks in some way, and I should correct
them, or are these things that I can ignore, and correcting which will only
add unnecessary lines to my CSS?



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