I have a simple page here:  http://www.medialab.com/PWMenus/test5724/test5.html

And the CSS here:  http://www.medialab.com/PWMenus/test5724/test5.css

This page looks correct in all the browsers I've tried so far on both 
platforms, except Safari.  In Safari 1.3.1 (v312.3.3) the bottom 
yellow thing, which is inside the footer div is displayed correctly 
if the window is opened big enough, but if not, Safari won't scroll 
down to it.    It limits the bounds of the document that it can 
scroll to the text content.

I very much want to keep the "bottomyellowthing" absolutely 
positioned within the relatively positioned footer.  Certainly, it 
shows up correctly and is always placed correctly, but how do I get 
Safari to include it into the calculation of the size of the 
document.  Both the footer div that contains it, and the 
bottomyellowthing have correct heights specified

My organization is as follows:

    < div  test5>   -- main container, relatively positioned, has 
margins and width to center to the page horizontally
       < div scootdown >   -- relatively positioned, has 
top:96px.    helps "scoot down" the content.
           < div sometextcontentgrow ></div>      -- the content. 
specifies padding to keep text towards center of document
           < div footer>    -- the footer, follows the content.  is 
relative, has a height of 83px.
                <div bottomyellowthing ></div>   -- a graphic. 
absolutely positioned.  the element not reachable.
           </div footer>
        </div scootdown>

      <div topyellowthing>   -- just an absolutely positioned 
graphic, at the top of the doc.
    </div  test5>

Does anyone have any advice?



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