Hey Everyone,
I'm having a really hard time trying to decide how I'm going to build a 
site for work.  I am making a huge effort here to do this in CSS and not 
use any browser hacks so it's a bit of a frustration for me because I'm 
really used to working with tables and know how they react.

For starters, here is an example of one of the pages (probably the most 


I am only concerned with the content area (everything below the banner, 
above the footer).  The rest is from a campus template that can't be 

Here's what I'd like: Left nav column to be a fixed width, calendar 
column to be fixed, calendar details (right-most column) liquid.  Also, 
just so you know, the rest of the site pages have a fixed nav with fluid 

My problem is I don't know how to implement this.  I've been researching 
and found the following:

1. I found this simple 2-column layout page:


It doesn't use any hacks and seems to work in many browsers.  For the 
calendar page, I was thinking of nesting another 2-column layout within 
the content side which would give me fixed-fixed-liquid columns.

2. Our campus web developers came up with a layout method where they 
float every column to the left like so:


Is there any reason I can't just set fixed widths on the columns that I 
want fixed and then set percentages on the columns I want fluid?  It 
seems like it could work, but it just seems to easy...

I think those are the only two ideas that I've figured out.  I'm kinda 
at a loss what to do.  I'd really love to hear some drawbacks, 
suggestions, whatever.  The biggest problem I'm having is that it seems 
there are so many different ways to pull things off that I don't know 
what to pick.

Let me say this.  For the time being, I am willing to adjust my markup 
so that it helps with layout (nested divs, ordered markup, etc).  I know 
this goes against the spirit of CSS, but it seems like all the 
implementations that only use CSS for presentation (holy grail, etc) are 
using hacks to deal with the browser inconsistencies.  When the browser 
mess has cleared for a bit, I'll move towards that goal.  However, right 
now I'm willing to make a small compromise.

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