On Dec 19, 2005, at 11:41 PM, Roger Roelofs wrote:
>> trying to contain #content (red border) within #outer (blue border).
>> http://www.ricochet.org/flippingpixels/movies/movie.index.html
> The validator is your friend.  It found your problem when I couldn't
> see it.

you are right, i was lazy.
> change     <dv id="content">  to     <div id="content">

solved issue.
> Floated elements are removed from the page 'flow'.  Because this is
> true, #content has no content.
can't say i understand this....
> Remove the height from #outer, it will only frustrate you later.  You
> could float #outer also and get the 'enclosing' behavior you seek, but
> then it wouldn't be centered anymore.  Once the typo noted above is
> fixed, your clearer will work fine for clearing #outer, but #content
> will still collapse to nothing because all elements inside it are
> floated.  As an aside, I'd make it a class instead of an id.

is there a better way of setting up the page? doesn't #content serve as 
a container to position #content_left and #right
with floats, and then for positioning #left and #content in #outer?
> hth
> Roger,

thanks much.

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