On Dec 20, 2005, at 8:57 AM, Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:
thanks georg

> ron zisman wrote:
>> doesn't #content serve as a container to position #content_left and 
>> #right with floats, and then for positioning #left and #content in 
>> #outer?
> Yes, it does :-) Positioning isn't the problem.
> However, #content won't _contain_ floats by default.
duh. are you suggesting that i don't need '#content' to make my layout 
> A quick look at specs:
> <http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visuren.html#q15>
> ...will give you the rule(s) for _containment_ which in your case might
> be a simple 'display: table' on #outer.
disply:table... i'm not using any tables : ). where does this come from 
and what does it do?
> You can also improve things a lot by not setting 'height' on those
> floats. You can set 'min-height' instead so they can expand naturally.
i do know better, i forgot to take that one out. i had it there 
initially before entering content
> Of course, a few more, strategically placed, 'display: table;' will
> solve that even if you like to keep those 'height'. It's all in those
> CSS specs.

again, is display:table a hack???? sorry to be so dense.
> regards
>       Georg
> -- 
> http://www.gunlaug.no

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