
Website link is http://www.debbiejoynes.co.uk/about.html
CSS link is http://www.debbiejoynes.co.uk/stylesheets/main-style.css

This layout is a 2 column liquid layout using percentage widths (taken from Dan 
Cederholm's book "Bulletproof Web Design")
A strange thing is happening on two of my colleagues computers when they open 
up this page with the browser window in the "restore down" position. The RH 
navigation column has dropped down and starts after the main content text 
finishes. If you then click on the "maximise" button the navigation column 
jumps back up into the correct position. If you then press the "restore down" 
button the layout remains intact. They are running IE6/Win (V6.0.2900.2180). I 
can't reproduce this problem on my computer (I'm running IE6/Win - 
Any reasons as to why this is happening and how to fix it would be much 

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