Stan Winchester wrote:

>Using FF 1.5 & NS 8 the div tag id "outer" I've set the background-color to
>transparent it renders as I wanted, but in IE 6 shows the background black
>(look under the FAQ button - My client insist on using the graphic button
>menu). It seemed the black is coming from the color selector in the body
>tag; if I change the body color to red it shows red, but if I change it to
>transparent it shows black. I'm not sure what to do.
>Here is html:
Hi Stan,
Perhaps first validate the html? The are some errors, like a double 
charset and starting an ID with a number.
In FF I don't see a difference when I cancel the whole #outer { 
background-color: transparent; }. Can it be omitted without 
consequences? If neded, did you try { background-color: inherit; }?

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