> Folks, let me propose a scenario to you and get your ideas on how  
> useful/useless you would find it.

I browse with a 3200x1200 twin monitor setup. If I ever expand the  
browser window to anywhere near full screen size on one of the  
monitors, it'd be because there's content clipped at a smaller size  
and I want to see it all: the whole of a table, a large image and so on.

I can't imagine that anyone with any sense regularly uses a full- 
screen browser window at more than 1280; the whole point (for  as  
many people as I've ever talked to about it) of a large screen for  
browsing purposes is to have multiple apps or windows visible at the  
same time, not to have a single window open at full screen size.

If the content of the window - or the text within the site - were to  
zoom with the size of the browser window, it would either be  
infuriating (browsing with an effective body text size of 16px - 18px  
- 20px), or impractical and going against text size settings I've  
chosen manually, as an end user. I want to retain control over the  
size of text on my screen, not have a remote content manager or  
designer decide for me and have the text enlarge on me without  
choosing a larger size myself.

You've stated...

> such layouts often fail in terms of usability when long-ish text  
> blocks run longer than the print-standard of 50-70 characters per line

If that's the case, I'd suggest that a flexible layout is less suited  
to the site or content in question than an alternative. "Liquid  
layouts", with flexible main content columns, can be difficult to  
read and follow once they exceed, say, 500px (or 70 - 80 chars). I  
and many people who have tested layouts for us - online and off -  
find fixed-column layouts with respectably proportional columns much  
easier to recognize and read, than those with average amounts of text  
and flexible or full-width main content columns.

Mark Howells
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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