jack fredricks wrote:

> I can't seem to get this rule to work on IE6 or FF;
> @import url("fineprint.css") print;
> http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/cascade.html#at-import
> The file and the file location are fine (a standard LINK element 
> works). It's just the @import version that breaks.
> Is this just bad UA support?


> Is there a known work around?

Workaround... yes.

> or am I just mad?

Hmmm... probably :-)


I use the following method to @import print-stylesheets into my main

        @import url("fineprint.css");

(yes, an ordinary @import without media-pointer.)

Then, in my 'fineprint.css' i wrap the entire styleset in an ordinary...

        @media print {

        ...all print styles...


...and all browsers that understand @media will apply the css for
printing. That excludes IE/Mac and IE4/win and other old browsers.

I use the same @media rule in stylesheets for screen, print and
projection, and whatever other media I want to support.
IE/Mac is let in on screen-styles through a hack, and also given its own
set of styles for screen in order to overcome some of its limitations.

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