On 06/06/16 14:06 (GMT-0400) Anthony Baker apparently typed:

> Have been looking to different font sizing methods and decided to go
> with a method suggested by Dan Cederholm (as I recall) )

Poor choice. Dan Cederholm isn't most people using your designs; he
isn't a normal user:
http://www.useit.com/alertbox/design_priorities.html . If Dan Cederholm
likes small text, he should set his browser so his browser displays text
smaller. That's why browsers have a user adjustable preference setting.

> where the font
> size is defined in the BODY tag

Bad place. There's no good reason to set a size other than 100% (or
medium or 1em) in the body rule. 100% is how you respect your visitors,
using the size they prefer as your base size, from which you do your
contextual sizing with other selectors. When you set some other size in
body you're telling your visitors they did something wrong, disagreeing
with their preference, which is rude.

Everyone's browser defaults are wrong, right? Wrong:

> and then percentages are used to
> increase or decrease the size. EMs are used for line height.

Em for line height is another bad idea. It really serves no good
purpose, and should either be removed from the CSS3 spec, or its
definition altered.
http://mrmazda.no-ip.com/auth/line-height-inherit.html shows why.

> Example of the base setting:
> body {font-size: small;}

> This has worked fine across Safari and IE browsers and should work on
> Firefox, but I've noticed that there's a distinct difference in the way
> Firefox is rendering text -- both on the Mac and on IE.

Maybe you see the result of a settings difference. Are you using a
laptop? What's your DPI set to? The base size in most browsers is DPI
dependant, with the user preference size set in pt. Firefox isn't, with
preference set in px.

> Does anyone know why this happens when IE and Safari work so well? It
> may be a small issue, but damned if it isn't annoying. Overall, font
> sizes seem smaller and line spacing tighter.

In which? How about screenshots showing us exactly what you see that
bothers you? NAICT, Safari & FF are a match.

> Even on a site like the NY Times, this sort of thing seems to be
> happening here and there -- particularly in the text of the body of an
> article.

Various browsers have differing rounding methods. Various font
subsystems calculate leading slightly differently. Couple those
differing methods with the differences in the way various font families
scale, and you're insured against everything always looking the same in
every browser.

Take a look at http://mrmazda.no-ip.com/auth/Font/font-rounding.html in
all your browsers and it is clear they don't all round the same.
Generally, IE truncates (but not always), while Gecko uses mathematical
rounding (often poorly - see
https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=177805). See also:

> Does anyone have a favorite method?

body {font-size: 100%} (or just nothing, saving a dozen bytes per load).

> Would love to get something that's accessible and as consistent as
> possible.

"Accessible" means you don't create artificial visitor difficulty by
applying arbitrary adjustments to text size in body. "small" in body
applies a size reduction from user preferred size to every letter you
don't change elsewhere, resulting in increased reading difficulty, and
thus decreased accessibility. Plus, it shows disrespect of your visitors.
"All have sinned & fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23 NIV

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***  http://mrmazda.no-ip.com/
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