Ian wrote:
> [...]Works fine in IE but Ff is really tearing it up big time. Looks
> like the right div isn't coming up alongside the left div like it
> should. I was aware of the possibility of browser inconsistencies,
> but I was of the opinion that the design of my own site was so
> simplistic that I'd not have to mess with it. I see simplicity isn't
> exempt from this issue ;)

> http://d2109803.u84.mygisol.com/

Your page is relying on IE-bugs, and other browsers don't, can't and
shouldn't replicate those IE-bugs.

You should start by telling the browsers where you want that right
column to be positioned, as only IE is so buggy that it will 'adjust an
absolute-positioned element in relation to a float', all by itself.

div#meat {right: 0;}
...will get you a long way towards cross-browser consistency.

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