On Jul 3, 2006, at 11:02 AM, francky wrote:

>> This doesn't work as you intended in Firefox 1.5 and up (and Camino,
>> SeaMonkey1.0x,...). The div covers up the legend.
>> Here are the rules that govern the display of the <legend> in Gecko
>> 1.8+ (found in res/forms.css):
>>> legend {
>>>   padding-left: 2px;
>>>   padding-right: 2px;
>>>   border: none;
>>>   position: static ! important;
>>>   float: none ! important;
>>> }
> Aha! Thanks for the message. I've put the label "invalid" to my  
> variant...
> In FF1.07 the res/forms.css is:
>     legend {
>       padding-left: 2px;
>       padding-right: 2px;
>       border: none;
>     }
> I changed this in the 1.5 rules, tried again, and came to a new  
> testpage
> <http://home.tiscali.nl/developerscorner/css-discuss/test-monkey- 
> newvariant.htm>.
> According to Browsershots now it should be o.k. in FF1.5 too.
> Note: it seems to be impossible in FF to position the legend somewhat
> under the top position of the inside text. Even a {position: relative
> !important;} for the legend and/or for the .fieldset-inside class
> doesn't help, nor a { z-index: 1 !important;} for the legend: in FF
> always the inside-box is covering the legend-area. Also tried some
> floating: all in vain. [1]
> Thanks again,
> francky
> [1] Escape for this is of course to forget the whole fieldset-coding,
> and replace it by common div's and classes.

What you are trying to solve here, of course, is a bug in iExploder,  
with the background 'leaking' out of the fieldset border... You then  
could apply all those styles for IE only.

Note that when I once played around with (top) padding on fieldset,   
(bottom) margin on legend, and then margins on subsequent descendants  
inside the fieldset, there where huge difference between browsers  
(Opera, Gecko, Safari, Konqueror), with margin-collapsing 'failures'  
in some of them, ignored padding in others. A big mess. I don't have  
my test files anymore, unfortunately.

The legend element is very difficult to define in terms of css (which  
is the reason for those !important rules in Gecko's forms.css).
It never mattered too much for me, but then, I'm not in the business  
of pixel precise design.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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