hi folks

i'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown and hope someone here can solve
this problem.  this is my first attempt at css dropdown menus (following
instructions in 'more eric meyer on css').  everything's just dandy in
mozilla and opera but it doesn't work in IE6.  the weird thing is that it
_does_ work if i stick the css into the html file.

html file with internal css (which works in IE6):

html file with external css file (which doesn't work in IE6):
external css file:

it gets weirder.  there was a similar discussion recently where the advice
was to "trigger the hover effect, by first setting a style for the hover on
the <a> itself, before IE 'sees' the hover style for the stuff inside of
it."  i fiddled with that for a while but didn't get anywhere. however, i
narrowed the problem down to these two instructions:

div#nav li:hover {
        background: #d4eaae;

div#nav ul.level1 li.submenu:hover ul.level2 {
        display : block;
        width : 20em;

if i use the external css file but stick just these two instructions into
the html file it works locally on my computer but as soon as i upload it to
the remote site it doesn't work anymore.  when i noticed that, i gave up
because that just doesn't make any sense to me.  why would it work locally
but not remotely?

please help

omnia mea mecum porto


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