Thanks for your replay, cj.

Well, I'm not doing a css fix for firefox here, I'm just trying to set a
*customized* css value( which is not included in the CSS spec, that's why I
use a dash prefix ) for special use in scripting.

That is, I'm trying to pass a string parameter to javascript through css.

Take the code you wrote for example, whether I'm writing the "
-my-ff-rule:something; " to the .wrapper block or to the .fix-ff block, I
just don't know how to access it trough Javascript, and tha's my very
the rule "-my-ff-rule" seems to be totally dropped if firefox, while in IE,
it is maintained in the DOM and I can find it in the "currentStyle"


On 8/1/06, cj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/1/06, old9 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > hi cj, thanks for your reply.
> >
> > I think I'd represent my problem here, well, what I need is a customized
> > rule, not a regular one, it could be something like:
> > .class1{
> >   -my-rule: "my value";
> > }
> >
> > and I want to access the "-my-rule" rule in javascript.
> > In Internet Explore, I can manipulate that rule through
> > element.currentStyle["my-rule"] to get the value "my value", and I need
> a
> > similar approach in Firefox and Opera.
> my "workaround" might not be the best approach, but i don't think i
> was clear enough when explaining it.
> let's say what you *want* to do is something like:
> <div class="wrapper">
> .wrapper {
>         background: #ffffcc;
>         font-size: 1em;
>         text-align: center;
>         -my-ff-rule: something;
>         }
> and what i'm saying you could do is:
> <div class="wrapper fix-ff">
> .wrapper {
>         background: #ffffcc;
>         font-size: 1em;
>         text-align: center;
>         }
> .fix-ff {
>         -my-ff-rule: something;
>         }
> then toggle having that "fix-ff" class on the element.  it's not
> exactly what you want, i already know that.  however, for lack of
> anything better, you could try it at least.

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