At 9:40 PM -0400 8/21/06, ~davidLaakso wrote:
>Even a complex page seldom needs classes to set lead. If your 
>typesetting background is hot-metal then think along similar lines. 
>Use margin-top and bottom on the headings as you would lead. And 
>sometimes line-height is used with headings, too (but that can get 
>tricky). Use margin-top and bottom for the paragraphs. And 
>line-height (it usually a raw number) to lead the sentences (lines) 
>of p. An exception to the class might be a last paragraph that would 
>be p.last with a deeper margin bottom (although you could pad the 
>bottom of its container, instead; or, use br.lead {line-height: 2.5 
>or whatever; ). You can then vary specific and individual selectors 
>by changing the font-size and/or margin/line-height.

I first set line-height to be appropriate in case a header wraps 
around two lines, then I set top and bottom margins to space it 
around paragraphs.

I could always add a deeper margin to a p.last I suppose, but the 
same problem occurs with getting it to work. Let's say I have defined 
<p> differently in different sections of a site (#sidebar, #content, 
#profile, etc. )

Do I have to define this larger margin-bottom to specific selectors like

#sidebar p.last, #content p.last, #profile p.last {
      margin-bottom: 2em;

I can't seem to create a style called just

.last { margin-bottom: 2em; }

and apply it to any paragraph anywhere in any div when the layout 
calls for extra space?

Even adding !important doesn't work?

(Boy, I'd kill for the Adobe Paragraph palette in CSS...yeah, yeah, I 



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