richard n wrote:
> Apparently the scrolling gallery doesn't work in Firefox on a 
> PC. I wonder why, as it works fine in Firefox on my Mac?
It scrolls horizontally as I believe you intend in XP
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: 
Gecko/20060728 Firefox/; Opera/9.01; and IE/6.0.
> Also I've been advised that for 'content type' I should be using 
> 'text/html' and not 'application/xhtml+xml'. That was a copy/paste 
> error. I've made the alteration and uploaded it:
> (To be clear, all the images should be laid out in one long horizontal 
> ROW. If they wrap to the browser window, or line up in one long COLUMN, 
> then my code isn't working.)
> Re. Don's general comments about whether a side-scrolling gallery is a 
> good idea - Well, I've given it a lot of thought and I've decided that 
> it's the effect I want to achieve.
It may be a good idea to view your page at 800 x 600 and 1024 x 768. At 
those screen resolutions, it was necessary for me to scroll both 
horizontally and vertically to see the full image as they are chopped at 
the bottom, more so at 800, of course). The amount of vertical scroll 
will depend on the users chrome. And there's no way to predict what 
that's going to be (for me the usable vertical area is a max of 350px at 
800 in my default browser). BTW, don't forget to add a background color 
-- not everyone defaults to white .
>  Whether it's possible, with good 
> cross browser compatibility, is what I'm trying to find out. I realise 
> that top-to-bottom is the dominant paradigm in web design. I'm just 
> curious to see whether a left-to-right design can be achieved - and 
> without fixing everything in a table.
> Richard


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