Hi again and thanks Gunlaug.  I don't feel so inept when the solution  
is something I wouldn't have thought of in a million years...hehe.   
Both of your suggestions worked perfectly to fix the footer width and  
gecko 1px line problems.  And you are correct, my test page did not  
validate but it should now validate as html 4.01 strict.

The fact that IE doesn't understand XHTML is news to me and makes me  
wonder if why I've been using XHTML all this time.  (embarassment = 
[)  I think I may have made a mistake saying, "only used by IE on  
pc's in North America" .... I should have just left it at, "should  
support firefox and ie on mac and pc".  Sorry for the confusion.

The LayoutGala page with the margins that seemed to cancel each other  
out still confuses me.  The html has a #wrapper directly around only  
the #content.  My confusion comes from not knowing why this example  
needs to shove the #wrapper to the left, then push the #content back  
to the right the same amount.   What problem does the #wrapper solve  
that makes its use necessary?



<div id="wrapper">
      <div id="content">


Your test page isn't XHTML 1.0, so you should clean it up first, or
change it to HTML 4.01 and mark it up accordingly.
Don't know how your original page is, but the same standard-requirements
should be applied to that too. No IE-version understand XHTML anyway, so
you may as well change it since IE-only is one of _your_ requirements.

Having written that: it shouldn't be much of a problem to clean it up
and  turn it into proper XHTML, that survives if served as
'application/xhtml+xml' if _that_ is a requirement (it is according to
W3C). I just did, and all standard-compliant browsers rendered it
perfectly, but IE/win will of course not play ball. Maybe IE8 will :-)


> When scrolling to the right in IE/PC, I notice the footer doesn't
> stretch along 'x' plane all the way when the table is really wide....
IE/win lose track of how wide the page really is, and limits the
footer-width to the window-width. It is sometimes a tricky one.

Here is a future-safe hack for IE6 and older versions, which must be
placed - completely with @media rule and all - after all other styles.
Will make IE6 behave - or appear as if it does.

@media screen {
* html #footer {
float: left;
width: 5000%;
margin-right: -4999%;

I have no idea how IE7 renders that footer, but it won't be disturbed by
the above hack. Neither will any other browser.

> In Firefox PC and Mac i notice at the bottom of the footer a baby
> blue 1px horizontal line where the background image shows through. It
>  comes and goes with keyboard font resizing.

The "overprecise" calculation in Gecko tends to "hit and miss" a bit.
The simplest "cover-up" in your case is to pull up the bottom margin on
the footer.

#footer {margin-bottom: -1px)

...should do.


Regarding "margins seem to cancel themselves out...", is not so.
The #content {margin-left:12em} is positioning that container so far
from the left edge of #container to make space for navigation. If you
don't need navigation, then you simply change that margin to zero.


body#with-nav #content {margin-left:12em;}
body#no-nav #content {margin-left:12em;}

...or something like that.

I don't know how many eventualities you have to cover with this layout,
so I can't say if "this layout CSS has all the bases covered" or not.
Given proper (and clean) markup I can't see any problems with it in any
of my browsers.


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