> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roger Roelofs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 9:25 PM
> Subject: Re: [css-d] help with bottom positioning & column floats

> I'm not sure skidoo too is a good starting point for your layout.  It
> assumes that the center column will always be the longest, and uses
> border colors to give the appearance of background colors to the left
> and right columns.  This won't mesh well with your desire to add a
> gradient background image in the right and left columns.

What do you recommend then?? I've tried about 6 other variations on this
idea and skidoo met the rest of my criteria the best. It is meant to allow
any column to be longest and the wide borders are only for solid color
layouts; there are some adjustments for adding background colors like this
http://webhost.bridgew.edu/etribou/layouts/skidoo/demos/bgImages.html. It
uses this sheet if you want background images instead
http://webhost.bridgew.edu/etribou/layouts/skidoo/css/bgImages.css. That
zeros out the wide borders in the outerColumnContainer to add the images. I
was waiting until I get the basic layout corrected to start working on that

Given that additional info, do you still think there's a better option I
should try??

> > - The columns all seem to have padding or margins that I can't get
> > rid of. I tried setting those values to zero but it didn't help
> The extra padding is on .inside.

Got it! I was thinking that 1em was needed for a browser fix so I didn't
even try it.

> > - The left column is a bit too wide and overflowing into the middle
> > column. It must be the same width as the section above it in the logo
> > image. I've tried adjusting the width of both the column and the margin
> > behind  it but neither works.
> On #outerColumnContainer, change border-left to 206px to match the logo.

The tan bar on the logo is exactly 209px wide. For some reason, the left
column has an extra couple of px in there. Now that I've removed the extra
padding, if I try to make the column narrower, the text goes off to the left
into the white area. Where could that be coming from??

> > - the right column is either too far to the right in FF or too far
> > to the left in IE (I think this is also a problem of those mystery
> > that I can't seem to zero out)
> I wouldn't worry about ie until your design is closer to what you
> want.  Working around ie bugs is much easier when the target isn't
> moving (or at least is moving less :-) ).

This was being caused by the extra margins in the .inside tag, but thanks
for the tip about ignoring IE bugs 'til the end =)

> > - the copyright div in the left column and the photobox div in the
> > right must each be locked to the exact bottom of the page at
> > all times in their appropriate column.
> I think you will need to either move these two items to the bottom of
> the center column in the source and absolutely position them bottom:
> 0; or add a footer element and position them from there.

Could you tell me more about these 2 options?? How can I move them into the
center and have them postioned on the sides?? We want the center content to
flow between them when it needs to (we have many pages on the site with very
long content) so it won't work to just put them into a footer, although that
has been my last resort. This was the main reason I was continuing to try
and make a table layout work, because it was the only way I could find to
reliably get those elements to stick onto the sides at hte bottom.

Thanks for the help. Any more ideas would be much appreciated. I'm trying
out the ALA 3 column example but I'm having trouble getting my gradient
background images in there.


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