On Sun, 3 Dec 2006 17:55:12 -0500, Stephen Oravec wrote:
> my example <http://home.comcast.net/%7Es.oravec/index.html>
> ______________________________________________________________________

Hi Stephen,

My first reaction to a similar layout was total confusion. Not a usual 
reaction from someone who has used computer terminals daily for over forty 

On that other site, my browser (Opera) indicated lots of images being 
downloaded, yet I saw only one. My scrollbars are switched off because I 
use the scroll wheel to scroll. Only a faint but large image pointed 
vaguely to the right, finally prompting me to use the arrow keys. :) 

I suggest you put a message on the page to "scroll right". The "pages" idea 
does not work too well on a wide screen, either.

If you decide on a CSS solution[1], I'm sure you will get help from this 
list. If you use JavaScript, check out some of the lightweight libraries 
like MooFX[2] for an unobtrusive solution - which I can't find right now.

But there's this one that needs work for non-JS enabled agents:


[1] <http://www.cssplay.co.uk/menu/lightbox.html>
[2] <http://www.avinashv.net/tutorials/moofx/>


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