On 19/12/06, Barney Carroll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I know this list isn't particularly keen on conceptual problems but I
> have this notion that I can't conceive of without overflow on a
> containing element which then comes round to bite me in the face.
> I have my two columns, navigation and content, side by side. The nav is
> meant to extend to however long the content is. I have achieved this by
> using the padding-bottom:(massive); margin-bottom:-(massive); and
> overflow:hidden; technique.
> However my navigation has a two-layer deep UL system whereby the site's
> main sections are listed downwards on the left hand of the nav column,
> and any li's deeper ul is absolutely positioned to just to the right of
> it, so my submenu drops down.
> I have only just realised I am in deed trouble because when my submenu
> gets large it will simply extend into nowhere.
> I'm under the impression that position:absolute within an
> overflow:hidden; are nails in both feet. I'm wondering if anyone's ever
> succeeded in this - I'm certain it must have been done at some point,
> both techniques (flyout submenus and extending faux-table-cell columns)
> are so common... Or am I chasing an impossible (or just ultra risky)
> dream?
> Regards,
> Barney


I'm not sure exactly what you mean by nails in both feet, but I have a ul
within a div with overflow:hidden on a photo gallery I'm in the middle of
making. Go here <http://raffles.awardspace.com/G/melbourne/> and change the
number of thumbs to something small like 2. Then hover your mouse over the
number after the word "page" (where it says page 1 of X showing images...).
That number is in a div and when you mouse over it, the ul appears (when the
div is hovered over, its overflow changes to visible). There is no
javascript there (but I've only tested it in FF2 so far and it won't work in
IE6 and probably not in IE7). I don't know if this is what you're after, but
it seems like it might be. Hope it helps,

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