Mark Henderson wrote:
>> [...] So, to reiterate, does anyone know of a way to have a fixed 
>> width box horizontally centered but always a fixed distance from the 
>> bottom of the viewport, whilst allowing the content to scroll using 
>> overflow. I hope that all made sense. Any ideas?

then Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:
> Yes...
> <>
> <>
> ...but I don't know if any of the above can be adapted to your case
> without seeing the case.
> regards
>     Georg

Thanks Georg.

My apologies for the delay, but after some time away from this project 
(and a holiday!) I have finally returned to it and settled on a 
compromise across browser land, managing to convince the client of this 
also. I'm still pretty much where I was beforehand, in that IE can't 
quite do what I want (compare Firefox or Opera to IE on PC to see the 
difference), but now I'm using your position fixed implementation, as 
opposed to the tagsoup [1] approach. It just seems cleaner and easier. 
I'm still not happy with the actual design, but have little choice as 
this is what I was given and this is what the client wants - period. It 
handles font-resizing *ok* in good browsers, but at text size 
larger/largest in IE on PC the footer goes a little haywire in its 
alignment. This seems due to the #hnav expanding the #footer-inner 
beyond its specified width, and I can fix this if I float the #hnav list 
items (they then wrap), but that has another trade-off in that I can no 
longer horizontally center the navigation. Go figure. However, its not 
critical and I can live with it, but if there is a fix for this I'd love 
to know it.

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