Taryn Regish wrote:
> Can I please get a site check on http://ifpsm.ism.ws/
> Especially on a mac and IE 7.
re: xp

Performed well for me in ie/7.0 through ie/5.01. FWIW, there are 
vertical gaps between the menu items in ie/5.01, but the menu and pages 
are perfectly usable. There is an interesting optical illusion (at least 
for me) when the pages are viewed at 1280 and up. At those higher 
resolutions there is a subtle illusion that the pages are broken. This 
is because the primary content block and the body background-color are 
both #fff. Changing the body background-color to #ddd (or whatever does 
it for you) corrects this. It bothered me a little that it seemed the 
only way to get back to the parent file is via the back button.



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