Thanks to all.

Sorry if I'm looking for answers in the wrong place. I'm new to CSS and 
perhaps don't use all the proper terms.
This is not a structural division. It's just a presentational issue.
I don't have a url, I've been testing locally. But to try and explain 
what I mean:  some sites have their About Us and Contact links off in a 
corner off the main navigation bar, usually in their own div or link 
style. I was thinking of keeping them in the same line of vision as the 
main navigation, same size, only offset them visually by background color.


Chris Pallé wrote:
> On Jan 26, 2007, at 6:04 PM, Schalk wrote:
>> Create two unordered lists and float them next to each other calling the 
>> one red and the other yellow:
>> <ul id="red-nav">
>> <li></li>
>> <li></li>
>> </ul>
>> <ul id="yellow-nav">
>> <li></li>
>> <li></li>
>> </ul>
>> #red-nav, #red-nav ul {
>>     position:relative;
>>     float:left;
>> }
>> #yellow-nav, #yellow-nav ul {
>>     position:relative;
>>     float:left;
>> }
>> or, use a class on the li's you want a different color, for example:
>> <ul>
>> <li class="red"></li>
>> <li class="red"></li>
>> <li class="yellow"></li>
>> <li class="yellow"></li>
>> </ul>
> I'm fairly certain you can get away from "presentational" names for 
> the classes and ids. I agree with the main structuring, though. 
> I would favor the latter. Use a single <ul>, then, use labels that 
> make sense to the content within on the <li>s. This will help with 
> readability. 
>>> I'm trying to find a way to have a two-color horizontal navigation area:
>>> for example, a yellow background on the left half and a blue background
>>> on the right half. I've tried using nested divs to divide a navbar area
>>> into two regions with their own styling. It works, but, of course, this
>>> falls apart in older browsers, so I was looking to see if there's a way
>>> to accomplish it using the unordered list. Then I would have two style
>>> sheets.
> Think about the context of your content. Does it make sense to have 
> two areas from a structural standpoint? if the content is 
> significantly different from one to the other (e.g. A global 
> navigation vs. a local) then yes, go with two divs.
> OTH, if it's only to change presentation, keep one structural block 
> and differentiate in the properties. Just don't use presentational 
> names like hues, placement on the screen (header, footer,etc.), or 
> direction (upper, lower, right, left, etc.). Favor names that describe 
> the content being contained. 
> Is this valid conversation for this list? Kind of a semantics/mark-up 
> discussion.... Sorry if I'm OT.
>>> I haven't been successful yet and thought maybe this has already been
>>> done in CSS somewhere. I saw something similar at,
>>> but I'm only looking to do two colors. From what I can see of that
>>> source code, it looks a bit complicated.
>>> Of course, I could create a table, which might be easier, but do I want
>>> to do that?
> NO. Don't do that... that sounds more like a threat. ;-)
>>> Any tips, suggestions, alternatives are greatly welcomed.
> Do you have link we can look at?
>>> Robyn Smith
> chris.pallé, interactive media designer
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