tedd wrote:
> At 8:04 AM -0700 1/23/07, Optrics Engineering - Rod Miles, B.Eng. wrote:
>> Or the tiny url:
>>  http://tinyurl.com/2d8jbr
>> The CEO of our company uses Eudora and constantly insists that our company's
>> auto-generated emails (for software download requests, online sign-ups,
>> etc.) are formatted poorly and/or look odd.
>> The above doc basically says that Eudora has NO CSS support.
>> Could that be true?
> Rod:
> I use Eudora for the Mac and see no css support. Considering that 
> Eudora is now open source, perhaps that will be fixed.
> As for me, I like plain text -- but I also liked characters in phone 
> numbers, anyone remember that?
> Cheers,
> tedd
(Rather belatedly catching up on my reading here, so sorry for 
restarting a week old thread. )

Tip from a longtime Eudora user who's recently seen the Thunderbird 
light: you can set Eudora (on Windows at least) to use IE as it's 
rendering engine, which makes is basically equivalent to Outlook (pre 
2007). CSS support was therefore pretty good for email. If you just want 
to get your CEO off your back I'd get him to switch to that option in 
Eudora - it'll improve all the other html email he gets no end as well.

Quick how-to (for Eudora 6.2):
1) Go to Tools > Options...
2) From the list of categories on the left, choose "Viewing Mail"
3) Under 'Message Window' tick the box "Use Microsoft's Viewer".

I used to find some HTML email does still got messed up, but I'm pretty 
sure that's down to malformed HTML and not a CSS problem.

I believe the Eudora team are completely rewriting it to use Thunderbird 
as a base, so if you can get your CEO to upgrade once that's done your 
life may also get easier..

Sophie Dennis, Creative Director
Cayenne Web Development Limited

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