~davidLaakso wrote:
> Arlen Walker wrote:
>> I won't trouble the list with details of the problems, as most of  
>> them were js-related.
>> Arlen
> re: your uri : < http://www.whc2008.org/ >
> I'd say the text-size issue that you wrote about in (xp) ie/6 and ie/7 
> is resolved on my end. If it is of concern, there's a little clipping of 
> the "hot box" text in ie/6.0.
> See: <http://chelseacreekstudio.com/ca/cssd/a.gif>
> Best,
> ~dL
Hi Arlen,
IE horror goes on! ;-)
Can it be the { margin-right: -5%; } of the #sidebar?

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