On 3/4/07, Chris Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Whatever reason is the span there for?  There's nothing you can do with
> >that construction that you can't do with just the link.
> This is for a horizontal navigation bar centered on the top of the page.

The modern way to do this, since a menu (even a horizontal one) is
just a list of links, is to use the UL element as the wrapper.  The
anchors then go in the LI elements within.  See for example the
Listamatic site at http://css.maxdesign.com.au/listamatic/

>       <div id="navigation_pane_outer">
>          <div id="navigation_pane_inner">
>               <a class="link" href="#">Home</a>
>              <a class="link" href="#">Schedule</a>
 >             <a class="link" href="#">Facilities</a>
>           </div>
>      </div>

This is unnecessarily complicated and semantically meaningless.
Furthermore you don't need all those CSS hooks, you only need a single
ID or class.
All you need is:

> <ul id="nav">
>   <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
>   <li><a href="#">Schedule</a></li>
>   <li><a href="#">Facilities</a></li>
> </ul>

This is two lines shorter, semantically better, easier to understand,
and amazingly flexible (and by no means original with me).  Take a
look at the listamatic site, as I suggested above.  The CSS is a bit
trickier but not much, especially if you understand floats.

Ed Seedhouse
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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