David Sharp wrote:
> www.syntony.org/2007/diary.html

The problems you noticed in Safari are real - same in my Safari 2.0.4.

I noticed a couple of other problems across browser-land, so here's a
reworked styleset for navigation and a couple of additions to go with it.


/* corrected nav styles */
#series_nav ul li a {
text-transform : uppercase;
color : #333;
font-size : 2.2em;
text-decoration : none;
height : auto /* corrected to sort out font-resizing issue */;
min-height : 50px /* added to sort out font-resizing issue */;
line-height : 50px;
padding-left : 60px;
border : 1px solid #fff;
background-position : 0 -50px /* corrected for Safari */;
background-repeat : no-repeat;
display : inline-block /* adding 'hasLayout' for IE6 */;

/* addition to turn off effect of 'hasLayout' for non-IE browsers */
div#series_nav ul li a {
display: block;

/* addition to fix Safari */
.concert.earth, .concert.air, .concert.fire, .concert.water, .concert.gold {
padding-bottom: 1px;


- Top link in nav couldn't expand with font resizing, thus looked really
bad in my Firefox, Opera and Safari.
- IE6 didn't react on :hover on entire nav links, so it needed that
'hasLayout' trigger - which I then had to counteract for better browsers.
- background-position wasn't correct with that image in an element with
that height, so a bit of the colored version showed. I corrected that.
- Don't know why Safari displayed those colored versions in the "Concert
Dates", but the addition of a padding-bottom made it work properly.
Don't know why that fix worked either :-)

Couldn't see any other problems. Safari, Opera and Firefox present the
page pretty identical with fixes in place.

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