On 3/12/07, Tim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I understand the original question, this is not really all of the
> answer.  I too work with the occasional client who uses Dreamweaver (in
> design mode) to edit the content of their site.  They do this because
> they have trouble figuring out where they are in code view.  Even when
> using DW templates and locking down all code but editable areas, they
> are still unsure what is going on.  They definitely understand that the
> page will look fine when viewed using a browser, but that's not the
> issue.  The issue, if I'm reading correctly, is that, in this particular
> case, elements render so poorly in DW that it makes editing the content
> impossible.
> Like Jana said earlier...I have not had a case where the rendering in DW
> design view was so bad that elements were overlapping, or otherwise
> rendered so out of place that editing in design view was impossible.  Be
> sure to test it out in plenty of other browsers and be prepared to
> modify your code a bit.
> Cheers,
> Tim
> you are right. i definitely have had to make code changes to please
> dreamweaver so clients can view it better. this was just one case where a
> particular rule was just not received well by dreamweaver for some reason. i
> could probably look into it more but i just don't have the strength. just
> give me a blank page in a text editor and i'm happy :-)

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