On 3/15/07, Daniel Beardsmore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> jeffrey morin wrote:
> > so it sounds like there is no way around adding a class to that
> paragraph
> > then?
> Um ... without seeing your page, I cannot answer that. Right now, your
> code goes
> along these lines:
>   #divBox p a:link {text-align: right}
>    OR
>   #divBox a {text-align: right}
> The former may cause the link to lose its alignment once it gets visited,
> so
> watch out!
> But both of these rules seem suspect. The first affects every single link
> within
> a paragraph within #divbox. The latter affects every single link within
> #divbox.
> So already, you're suggesting that the other three paragraphs cannot
> contain
> links, else you'd be inadvertently messing them up.
> If you want to only affect that one paragraph individually it would make
> sense
> to give it either a class or ID simply to allow you to address it directly
> without any side effects for the other three paragraphs. You could use
> something
> like #divBox p:last-child a, but that doesn't work in IE.
> (I am not sure what "divBox" does since the name is hopelessly nondescript
> ...
> it needs a more useful name for when you need to inspect the CSS later!)
> ______________________________________________________________________
> so here is a test page. the display block worked but like the test says i
> don't know why. any help explaining that?


the link also did not lose alignment in ff after being clicked but i haven't
looked in IE. my guess is it probably will just to be difficult
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