OOzy Pal wrote:
> Dears,
> Every time I start developing a site I start with small css file and
> after I am done the .css file gets bigger and out of control.
> I am sure that I am doing something wrong. I am sure that I am
> duplicating and adding items that I don't need. I mean items that can
> inherit their style from their parent selectors.
> My concern is how do I start? How can I track my selectors? Is there a
> program (Linux or Windows) that can track my selectors?
> What is things that you guys/gals start with when you develop a new
> site? For example do you do this
> *{padding:0; margin:0;border:0;}
> Any idea will be appreciated.

I've had similar problems in the past but there's a really useful tool 
that comes with the developer toolbar [1] for firefox. If you go to the 
CSS dropdown and click on view style information (or ctrl+shift+y) then 
you can click on any element to see all the CSS that applies to it, that 
way you can eliminate unnecessary styles and/or re-plan the code.

[1] https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/60/
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