Paul Novitski wrote:
> At 3/25/2007 02:01 PM, Lee Powell wrote:
>> This weekend I've been working on a way of getting complete control
>> over font sizes without IE's text-resize shrinking text beyond all
>> readable sizes.
>> What I discovered was:
>> px - perfect control using px's to define font sizes, however
>> prevents IE/Win from text resizing.
>> em - almost perfect control using em, although when text-resizing in
>> IE/Win to small and extra small can cause unreadibility.
>> keywords - less than perfect control, however IE/Win never text-
>> resizes smaller than 9px.
>> So while playing around with various options, I discovered a way that
>> we might be able to fix IE/Win's text-resizing problems while still
>> having 'almost' perfect control over font sizes.
>> My solution at presents includes:
>> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
>>         "";>
>> H3 - Heading
>> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi 
>> pellentesque interdum augue. Aenean a ante. Pellentesque ut nulla in 
>> dui lacinia ultricies. Nam nibh metus, venenatis nec, eleifend non, 
>> feugiat non, nibh. Maecenas commodo fermentum magna. Duis tincidunt 
>> viverra sem. Donec id orci.
>> I understand the solution involves using javascript to achieve a
>> solution, however when the document is viewed by browsers that do not
>> support the DOM, it simply reverts back the 'small' keyword, which is
>> only a fraction larger than the font-size we're defining in the
>> javascript. So understandably, you'd select the closest size keyword
>> to the default font-size you're allocating in the javascript.
>> I believe the solution fixes the IE/Win text resizing issue, while
>> providing control over our default font size.
> Hi Lee,
> I'd like to read and respond to your technique but I can't see any 
> javascript in the source code for your email, presumably stripped out 
> by virus protection or email client.  Please post your example on a 
> server and post its URL.  Embedding examples of HTML and active 
> javascript in email is probably always a mistake...
> If your technique depends on javascript, I suggest that it isn't 
> merely browsers that don't support the DOM that won't execute it but 
> also modern browsers with scripting turned off, whether by user 
> preference, corporate mandate, or other reasons.  I mention this 
> merely to indicate that the population your technique excludes is 
> probably larger than you imagine.

Also, I wonder what happens when a visitor with Javascript enabled has a 
minimum font size set larger than whatever value your Javascript calculates?

Personally, I think that no site designer can pick a "perfect web size" 
because the perfect size depends on the vision, display and preferences 
of the VISITOR.

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