I've been playing with overlapping text and line-height is causing me
some confusion. There's no live page, but the code is super-simple, so
I'll post it here:


  <p><span>Lorem ipsum consectur veni vidi . . .</span></p>


  p span {
    background-color: #ccc; /* make the lines visible */

  p {
    font-size: 12px;
    line-height: 14px;

As I understand it, the text box (inline box?) -- to which the
background-color applies -- should be 12 pixels high. The difference
between that and the line-height (14 - 12 = 2 pixels) should then be
divided in half, and half added to the top of the inline box and half
to the bottom. Then the lines should be stacked in the paragraph.

But with FF 2, my paragraph is a solid block of gray, and there's no
2-pixel gap between lines where I'm expecting one. Qu'est-ce que le

-- Chris
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