On 2007-05-15 Steve LaBadie wrote:

> I would like to have an active link on each page as a person navigates
> from page to page.  All on want to do is bold the text and change the
> color to #bd2925.
> On the active page itself I have 
> <body id="pres"> 
> <ul>
> <li id="presnav"><a href="pres_mes.cfm">President's Message</a></li>
> The CSS page
> body#pres a#presnav, body#hist a#histnav, body#miss a#missnav,
> body#accred a#accrednav {
>   color: #BD2925;
>   font-weight: bold;
> }

With that html markup you want this for the selectors:

body#pres #presnav a,
body#pres #presnav a:visited {
   color: #BD2925;
   font-weight: bold;



Steve Axthelm

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