Thank you for your reply.
>This what you want?<
Not exactly.  Because this example uses 600px exactly, what you proposed
would work.  A real-world elastic page presents borders, margins etc.
resulting in unknown percentages along with the normal rounding errors that
occur in IE.  Thus typically we would make the columns add up to something
less than 100%, which is why I used 25%, 40%, 25% to illustrate the problem.

David suggested trying to use a 5% left and right margin on the center
<div>.  It sounded pretty logical and I extended that thought to implement
only a left margin so that I wouldn't need to be concerned with rounding
errors.  However, what I learned was that the normal display:inline hack
used to fix the IE margin bug, doesn't work when you are dealing with any
unit other than pixels for the margin size.  Since I could find no way
around this bug nor logic to the size of the margin the IE was creating, I
came up with this non-elegant, partial work-around.

<div style="width:600px; text-align:center;">
  <div style="float:left;width:25%; background-color:#ff0000;">This is
container 1</div>
  <div style="float:left;width:5%;">&nbsp;</div>
  <div style="float:left; width:40%; background-color:#00ff00;">This is
container 2</div>
  <div style="float:right; width:150px; background-color:#0000ff;">This is
container 3</div>

Since adding the left margin on the center <div> did not work with IE, I
added a 5% width <div> as a faux margin between the first and second
element.  This works-around using the using a margin(s) on the center
column.  The problem with this method is that it does not guarantee the
object will be acceptably centered since the use of percents with non-evenly
divisible larger sizes yields non-symmetries that can be quite apparent.
However, at least this method uses percentages and thus retains the
elasticity of the layout.  

The ideal solution would center the middle <div> between the first and last
columns so the impreciseness of percents would not affect the precision of
the centering.  This would also enhance the maintainability of the code
since if we added a border, padding, etc. later, we would not need to
calculate a new width for the faux margin <div>.


-----Original Message-----
From: Drew Trusz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 6:55 AM
To: Jack Toering
Subject: Re: [css-d] How can I Center the Middle Column?

>This what you want?

><div style="width:600px; text-align:center;position:relative">
><div style="float:left;width:30%;">This is column 1</div>  <div
style="float:left;width:40%; margin:0 auto;">This is column 2, the one I
want >
>entered between 1 & 3</div>  <div style="float:right; width:30%;">This is
column 3</div> </div>

On 6/12/07, Jack Toering <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks David Hucklesby
> >Try changing the margin of the middle column to "margin:0 5%;".  Add
> "display:inline;" to prevent IE's margin doubling<
> I was hoping for some clever way to float it in the middle.  Oddly, 
> even this doesn't work in IE as it doubles the margin anyway.  (I've 
> used this fix before myself and it worked.)
> <div style="width:600px; text-align:center;">
>   <div style="float:left;width:25%; background-color:#ff0000;">This is 
> container 1</div>
>   <div style="float:left; width:40%; margin:0 0 0 5%; 
> background-color:#00ff00; display:inline;">This is container 2</div>
>   <div style="float:right; width:25%; background-color:#0000ff;">This 
> is container 3</div> </div>
> Jack T.

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