Rick Faircloth wrote:
> Is there any way to bring consistent styling to fieldsets
> and legends between IE and FF?
You should get used to keeping the word consistent out of your vocab 
when talking about form styling. ;)
> How do I keep the rounded corners?
You can have rounded corners with borders, but it takes a lot of 
non-semantic mark-up because the corner graphic you're using is rendered 
INSIDE the border.

Thus you need (and, yes, the order is important here):

.top {background: url('path to a border image that you want') repeat-x 0 
.right {background: url('path to a border image that you want') repeat-y 
100% 0;};
.bottom {background: url('path to a border image that you want') 
repeat-x 0 100%;};
.left {background: url('path to a border image that you want') repeat-y 
0 0;};
.topright {background: url('path to corner graphic') no-repeat 100% 0;};
.bottomright {background: url('path to corner graphic') no-repeat 100% 
.bottomleft {background: url('path to corner graphic') no-repeat 0 100%;};
.topleft {background: url('path to corner graphic') no-repeat 0 0;};

<div class="top">
    <div class="right">
        <div class="bottom">
            <div class="left">
                <div class="topright">
                    <div class="bottomright">
                        <div class="bottomleft">
                            <div class="topleft">
                               Place content here. You may be able to 
get rid of one of these divs depending upon your display preference.
> Also, how to get the rounded corners in FF?
Same as above.




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