John Gribben wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> I've been struggling with reliable alternatives to pixel-based type sizing
> methods, but I haven't been able to find any.  I've read many articles on
> this subject.  It's perhaps the aspect of standards-based coding that for
> some reason I find the most confusing.
> Here is an example:
> With this template, I used a percentage (62.5%) to set the root parent size
> for the body and then used em units to set the size of all child elements.
> This seemed to work well on IE 7, Firefox 2, and Safari 3 on my system (Win
> XP 2002, SP2), but on my boss's machine (which is, I think, basically
> identical to mine), the sizing method doesn't work on IE 7.  The text is too
> large, as if the Text Size were set to "Larger."  I checked his browser
> settings - the Text Size was set to "Medium" (as it was for my browser).
> Am I missing something?  We have the same versions of IE, our Text Size
> settings are the same, but his browser is rendering the type larger than
> mine by an order of magnitude.
> Thanks, John

Hi John

Go into IE7, Tools | Internet Options, then General | Accessibility and tick 
the "Ignore font styles specified on webpages" box. This is what your boss is 
most likely doing. My screen resolution is 1280 by 800 pixels and the font on 
the page is awfully hard to read. If your font size 62.5% is overridden in IE7 
or any other browser, your page falls apart. This even happens after normal 
text resizing x 2, but not to the same degree.

Go into IE7, Tools | Internet Options, then General | Colors and untick the 
"Use Windows colors" box and select a background color. Now in IE7, resize the 
text to largest and discover between the heading "Upcoming Events" and the 
footer, this background coming through. This is because the body background 
image is only 900px in height and repeating on the x-index. A simple background 
color on your html/body element would resolve this.

You have a quite pleasant design but these layout issues after text resizing 
need to be addressed.

Kind Regards, Alan

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