David Laakso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   trevor bayliss wrote:
> Hi all. I am at the end of the first leg of my css journey. Very complicated 
> stuff and I nearly turned back to tables! 
> Please could someone have a gander at this page and see what you think and if 
> there are any problems. I believe I have sorted them all out now. If I have 
> any errors (it is, however, validated fine) or anything that I can improve on 
> I would really apreciate the collective wisdom on this one. I am also 
> interested to hear also how it looks in computers with different 
> resolutions-it looks fine for me with firefox and IE. Thanks everyone for all 
> your help along the way.


You are getting there.

You will know things are working relatively well cross-browser when in 
IE6.0 you do not drop the far right column float (as it does now) when 
she is in "accessibility" mode at text-size "/largest/" with the 
"/ignore font sizes specified on Web pages/" box checked [1].

Some /first steps/ toward that goal, might be:

1/ Re-set this:
body { font: /*0.9875em*/ 90% tahoma, arial, sans-serif; color: #4d4d4d; 
text-align: center; }
to (default):
body { font: 100% tahoma, arial, sans-serif; color: #4d4d4d; text-align: 
center; }

2/ Re-set this:
#topnav a {border-right: #d8e1e9 1px solid; display: block; font: 
11px/20px tahoma, arial, sans-serif; color: #fff; text-align: center}
to (ditch the pixel font and pixel line-height):
#topnav a {border-right: #d8e1e9 1px solid; display: block; font: 
76%/1.4 tahoma, arial, sans-serif; color: #fff; text-align: center}

3/ Reduce the font-size of the headings (h2-h6) and content text (p) as 

[1] To put IE6 in accessibiliy mode at text-size "largest:"
Go to:
Tools>Internet Options>Accessibility>Check box that reads: "ignore font 
sizes specified on Web pages"
Then go to: View>Text Size>Largest




Thanks as ever for the reply David. I have implemented those changes and will change the p´s and h´s to make it 
look smarter. The Accessibility>Check box that reads: "ignore font sizes" I 
have done-what a nightmare I feel like I´m back to square one again now! I have 
no idea where to start to sort out the problem the cl div (which is the 
offending one) is floated right. The only tools I have knowledge of are clear 
for this case. I will try clearing right and clearing left and clearing both 
and see what happens. 
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