David Laakso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  
> Thanks as ever for the reply David. I have implemented those changes 
> and will change the p´s and h´s to 
> make it look smarter. The Accessibility>Check box that reads: "ignore 
> font sizes" I have done-what a nightmare I feel like I´m back to 
> square one again now! I have no idea where to start to sort out the 
> problem the cl div (which is the offending one) is floated right. The 
> only tools I have knowledge of are clear for this case. I will try 
> clearing right and clearing left and clearing both and see what happens.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

The word Environment (under the 4th image) may be too wide, thus 
pushing out and dropping the float because there is not enough room for 
it. Clearing is not going to help. Reduce the font size slightly for all 
those h's under the images. And in the mark up the word Environment with 
soft hyphens, like so: En&shy;vir&shy;on&shy;ment. This will cause the 
word to hyphenate when scaled in IE. See if the float still drops at 
text-size largest.


  What an awesome bit of code the soft hyphens David! Shame it only works with 
IE as it could sort out some of my breaking issues in FF!! ;)
      Stupid question while trying to follow your advice how can I change the 
h´s under the images if the h´s size isn´t controlled by my style sheet anymore 
with The Accessibility>Check box that reads: "ignore font sizes" . I can change 
them fine for ff obviously but for IE how can I do that? Or do I need to use a 
default tag that will give me a default size?

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