
I'd like to have a different style element, and just a little HTML 
content, sent to Internet Explorer 6 that will not be visible to other 

I know that I can put special comment tags in that only Explorer will 
see, such as:

<!--[if lt IE 7]>This will only show to IE6 and earlier 

However, the problem with this is that the content is still downloaded 
by other browsers, in the source, even though it doesn't display in the 

In the interest of trying to save some bandwidth, I'm trying to figure 
out if there is some kind of client side include I can put inside that 
comment hack so that only Explorer will download it.

I've been searching on the internet, and it seems that maybe there is a 
possibility that maybe there is some VBScript that could accomplish this.

But I can't quite get a handle on what the command might be. Lots of web 
sites I'm looking at complicate the issue with lots of references to 
Javascript and server side include options.

All I want to do is include a snippet of HTML and CSS code from another 
file, but only from Internet Explorer.

If this is not possible, it would be equally helpful if someone could 
confirm that as a definite fact, so that I know for sure that it's not 
an option I should be pursuing.

Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you.

Dave M G
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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