On Tue, 28 Aug 2007 10:49:05 -0400, Kevin Evans wrote:
> I'm trying to finish this last bug at http://www.cwwebs.net/bc2007/ index.html
> The bug appears only in Explorer 6. You will notice there are dropdowns on 
> the main
> yellow buttons at the top. All the dropdowns work except for the "Other 
> Topics" link at
> the very right side. it works fine in Explorer 7 and firefox....

Hi Kevin,
I can't help with drop-down menus - I use JavaScript for those, but ...
> Also one other small problem I see in the validation of the CSS is that there 
> are 3
> question marks before the html declaration...., like this.... ???html { 
> margin : 0;
> padding : 0; }

Now, I *have* come across this one. In my case, the editor I was using
(Homesite) erroneously added a "Byte-order mark" (BOM) at the start of
any UTF-8 encoded page. I think Windows Notepad does this too.

It looks like you have UTF-8 encoded files that somehow get translated 
to an ASCII-based encoding. When converted to ASCII-based code, the
BOM translates into three non-display characters. Some FTP programs 
default to ASCII when they upload. You might check this first.

The BOM does have an effect on CSS, because some (older?) browsers
kill the first rule in the style sheet when this mark is present.

Make sure your FTP client is set to send all files as "binary".


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