Hello! This is my first post. =) What a wonderful resource this list
it, I’m so glad to have found it. I browsed the archives some but only
found a lot of stuff that tangentially applies to my problem, at least
as far as my relatively newb-ish mind can tell. Hopefully I’m not being
to repetitive.

Here is the page I’m working with. Please forgive the other issues the
page (and site) has; it’s just been born and is quite awkward,
(especially in IE6). =) I want to resolve this issue before furthering
the rest of the design in case I need to make sweeping changes.

Note that this is a mock-up of PHP output. The content--- Section
titles, thumbnails and secondary menu choices on the left will be
generated via PHP. (Someome else is doing the PHP/database stuff, I’m
just organizing the content and making the shell.) The page validates
save for the Dev Notes section which will of course be removed for the
live site.


Here’s the nitty-gritty on my problem:

1) My header is fixed and stretches over my left menu div and middle
content div.
2) My left menu contains sub-links (2003, 2002, etc...) to
corresponding named anchors dispersed throughout the content in the
main body div.
3) When you scroll the content, it’s designed to “fade out” and
disappear beneath the fixed header. That works! (Except in IE6 *sigh*)
3) BUT, If you want to skip to a section instead of scroll, using the
sub-menu links on the left, the appropriate named anchor jumps to the
top of the page... placing it, partially hidden, UNDER the fixed header

Is there a way around this? A way to set where the named anchors jump
to so the content appears lower on the page, not hidden by the header?

Alternatively, is there a way to achieve what I want without using
named anchors? Some way to let the user skip to the different sections?

I'd like to keep it all on one long page rather than separating it into
different pages and linking each individually, since some sections may
not have very much in the way of content so it seems silly to give them
their own page, plus, I may add an option later to sort it all by a
different attribute, IE, character name instead of year.

Sorry if this post is a bit wordy, thanks for reading! ^_^ 


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