G'day all,

I'm trying to build an extensible interface refresh for the backend  
of a product we sell.

The interface I'm trying to build might be thought of as 'full  
screen'; with a sort of frames layout feel. There's a primary nav bar  
across the top of the screen, a secondary nav bar down the left of  
the screen (which ideally would occupy the full height of the window  
minus the height of the nav bar and have overflow: auto), a heading  
bar with some action buttons, a large content pane and a set of  
action buttons.

To give you an idea, I've mocked it up in tables so you can see where  
I'm heading, and the start of a standards design, but I've become  
bogged down:

Tables version:

Standards version:

The tables one doesn't work properly in anything except FF, but I  
don't really mind because I'm not likely to use a design with tables  
for layout.

The issues I have are the following:
- Can anyone think of a way to impose a scrollbar on the left-hand  
'Stuff goes here!' secondary nav when it expands beyond the window  
- How can I allow the developers to create between 0 and 2 each of  
neutral, destructive and constructive buttons while keeping them all  
in line and tidy? Buttons are likely to get icons too if deemed  

I'm in a rather unique situation where the product is going to  
require Firefox (in order to fall under the support requirements for  
the application), so I have a lot more freedom when it comes to nice  
selectors etc. in CSS.

Any help you can provide would be appreciated (I'm in a situation  
where I have to explain to my boss why I shouldn't just use the  
tables layout and get a moveon with the development).


Kit Grose
css-discuss [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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