Tim Ware wrote:
> I created a link class to have a background image on linked text  
> where needed:
> a.checkbox {
>       background:url(/healthcare/_img/Pencil.gif) no-repeat 100% 50%;
>       padding-right:20px;
>       }
> The above adds a checkbox to the right of the linked text, and it  
> works fine everywhere but IE 6 and 7 where, if there are two links in  
> a paragraph with that class assigned -- and the two blocks of linked  
> text wrap to separate lines -- the first link displays the image and  
> the second link allocates the space/padding, but doesn't display the  
> image.
> This can be seen here:  http://www.opa.ca.gov/healthcare/use-plan/ 
> disability-assistance.aspx

I believe IE follows a sort of bounding box background position model 
for inline elements, where a background image can become lost.


There may be clever solutions out there, but I don't think CSS can solve 
this for IE6 and IE7 without some sort of degradation. I'd search for a 
scripting solution.



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