On this page:

the logo, which is in a float-left div, renders in Firefox (both Mac  
and Windows) exactly 17 pixels below where it should be. That is, the  
float seems to be in the right place in Firefox, but the image in the  
float -- the GIF logo with a transparent background --  is offset 17  
pixels down. I have made the background of the float red to emphasize  
the offending offset (it looks terrible at the moment).

It renders fine in Safari, Explorer 6 and 7.

CSS is here:

Any advice on how I can modify my coding of HTML/CSS to get the logo  
to eliminate the image offset in Firefox? What am I doing wrong?

I have tried to keep my code as clean as I could, and I generally  
avoid overly-sophisticated hacks.

Thank you in advance for any help.

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