Peter Hyde-Smith wrote:

> <>

> Would appreciate a look-see in Opera (I'm in O9.24), as the nav bar 
> anchors aren't working right and occasionally disappear all together 
> on scrolling. Which bug and how to fix?

An old instability in Opera when trying to interpret the "W3C collapsing
margins bug"[1] on a parent that doesn't contain its children. The
margin ends up reversed now and then, and pushes the ul below the
Opera 9.5beta does seem to have a more stable interpretation of that
particular combination.

To cure, add...

#nav ul{margin-bottom: 0;}

...which removes all confusion in all browsers, and doesn't disturb any
of them.

> Also a check in IE6 to make sure my green box in the left col isn't 
> triggering the Peek-a-boo bug.

Looks stable enough.

> Finally in IE, I'm getting extra vertical space above the main col 
> (vertical border should touch nav bat above it) and in the footer 
> above and below the content. Not a killer but would appreciate 
> suggestions on how to eliminate it. Add 'has-layout' doesn't do it 
> and causes other problems, since fixed.

Another browser's interpretation of the  standardized "W3C collapsing
margins bug", on another element-combination.

Easiest way to cure it is to replace margin-bottom with padding-bottom
on the last element where "collapsing margins" is an issue for IE/win...

#header h4 {margin-bottom: 0; padding-bottom: 10px;}

> <>

> Would appreciate a look-see in IE, especially IE6 to make sure the 
> right column content is appearing.

It appears, but stays below the left column. IE6 doesn't respect
declared dimensions, and is auto-expanding the column - making it too
wide for the reserved space.

To fix,add...

* html #rightcol {overflow-x: hidden;}

The last minor imperfection I can see in IE6 is a gap or overlap at the
bottom  of maincol - either not reaching down to footer or overlapping
it. IE6 behaves as if it's another "collapsing margins" interpretation
issue, and a fix for that "standardized bug" seems to cure it...

* html #maincol {padding-bottom: 1px;}


To put all additions and correction together in one place:

#nav ul{margin-bottom: 0;}
#header h4 {margin-bottom: 0; padding-bottom: 10px;}
* html #rightcol {overflow-x: hidden;}
* html #maincol {padding-bottom: 1px;}


PS: of course "collapsing margins" isn't a bug, but W3C has kept on
adding details to the descriptions for a long time on how browsers shall
interpret and apply it for different combinations. Thus, different
browsers and browser-versions may have slightly different
interpretations of it, for the simple reason that descriptions were
missing at the time their CSS-engines were updated on those points.

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