Geoffrey Hoffman on 25/01/08 14:40, wrote:
> I'm trying to think of a case when you'd want to render a numbered menu in
> this fashion. From a usability standpoint it seems rather confusing.

Oh! Well, I figured it might, but hoped it wouldn't.

I appreciate your scripting example (although I'd do it in JSP) and I do think 
that anything like this from a scripting POV is possible, but as you say, from 
usability POV, would you want to do it?

What I'm actually considering is not just an isolated numbered list, in fact my 
lists will be mostly just alphabetically sorted without numbers.

I'm at the prototyping stage of a 'framework' project, which will provide a 
basis for many (if we get it right) future websites. The framework is required 
to be provide building blocks such as JSP taglibraries that allow future 
projects to bash it out without too much effort.

It's also a K.I.S.S. style framework - no Web2, no javascript, no major hacks 
etc. It's the low end of the market, absent of bells and whistles.

This list requirement I am looking at here is one for form controls such as 
checkboxes or radio buttons where the item being edited is, say the students in 
a college, and the list is the topics from which must be allocated several.

A single column of checkboxes looks hopelessly skinny. Perhaps more detail on 
each line would make it look less skinny, but that would be disguise and not 
something to offer in a framework.

Horizontally flowing checkboxes just don't seem right.

A select combobox with multi-select turned on is too difficult to use.

The solution might be to go to a second page where a list of topics is shown to 
select from.

An pair of listboxes with javascript moving items from left to right and 
vice-versa isn't allowed, and forcing a form submit on each choice doesn't seem 

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